St James is temporarily closed to the public due to structural issues.
The site for the Church was given to the District of Ardmore, then known as Wairoa Road in 1863. This was donated by the late Mr Joseph Golding, an early resident prior to 1858. The first Church built by the residents was free of debt and was dedicated and named St Peter's on December 29th 1861 at 3.00pm. All Souls Wairoa, now Clevedon was dedicated by Bishop Selwyn on the same day at 11.00 am. The date of the dedication was verified from entries in the diary of the late Rev Vicesimus Lush who at that time, was in charge of the parish of Howick. The building named St Peter's served the Christian needs of the residents for 31 years. When on January 29, 1892 it was burnt in the path of a scrub fire. The vestry met and decided to build at once. In April, 3 months later, a tender was accepted, the building to be roofed in Kauri shingles. This work was satisfactorily completed at a cost of £265.00. By September 11, 1893 the new Church was in use. This Church was dedicated by Bishop Cowie on April 10, 1894 and named St James'. The Church gazette of 1873, records an entry that on Sunday the 22nd December 1879, Bishop Selwyn consecrated a piece of ground close to the Churches of Wairoa and Wairoa Road for the burial of the dead. |