We believe that worship is central to the life of our faith community and that we called before all else to worship God. Our predominant form of worship is Eucharist, but within that there is significant variety.
Our pattern of worship forJune - July is: 1st Sunday 9.30am Combined service at Clevedon* Eucharist in which we explore a specific aspect of faith 2nd Sunday 9.30am Combined service at Alfriston Eucharist 3rd Sunday 9.30am Combined service at Clevedon* Eucharist 4th Sunday 9.30am Combined service at Alfriston Eucharist 5th Sunday 9.30am Combined service at Clevedon* Eucharist
Hospitality is an important part of strengthening community and so there is food of some kind following the service! * These services are livestreamed to our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/welcomeandhospitality
When a service is livestreamed to our Facebook page, the liturgy is uploaded below: